Getting the Facts Behind Invisalign

Invisalign Weatherford, TX

If you want to improve your smile by straightening your teeth, traditional braces are not your only option. Invisalign® clear aligner trays are another alternative that continues to increase in popularity because of their efficacy and numerous benefits. Understanding the facts about Invisalign® can help patients make the right choice for a straighter and more beautiful smile.

Important facts about Invisalign® treatment

Before you start any type of dental treatment, it is important to talk with your dentist and ask questions about your individual smile. Learning the truth about Invisalign® treatment can give patients more confidence and assurance while discussing their options with a professional.

Invisalign® is a discreet option for straightening teeth

As the name implies, Invisalign® trays are designed to be as unnoticeable as possible. Unlike the unsightly metal wires, brackets, and bands used with traditional braces, clear aligner trays are practically invisible to others, making them a much more discreet option for dealing with crooked teeth. Many people prefer an option that does not draw attention to their teeth, resulting in more confidence and a willingness to pursue this type of treatment.

Invisalign® trays are completely removable

A patient has no choice when it comes to wearing braces; brackets and bands are cemented to teeth and must be worn at all times. However, clear aligner trays are entirely removable. In fact, the trays should be removed when eating, which means no more food particles clinging to dental appliances. It is important to note that those who wear Invisalign® trays should brush their teeth thoroughly before putting them back into place. Otherwise, there is an increased risk for tooth decay and staining.

Compliance is necessary for treatment to progress

While removable trays make eating and oral hygiene much simpler and more enjoyable, it is still essential to wear Invisalign® trays as recommended by your dentist. A minimum of 22 hours a day is required for your treatment to progress as scheduled. This means the trays must be worn while sleeping and throughout most of the day. Otherwise, you could slow your results by weeks or even months.

Invisalign® will not interfere with your diet

Because clear aligner trays can be removed for eating, there is no need to adjust your diet just to prevent damage to the appliances. Popcorn, candy, nuts, and even corn-on-the-cob are no longer off-limits when you choose Invisalign® treatment. However, you should still maintain a healthy diet and only enjoy cavity-causing foods occasionally. In addition, remember never to eat or drink anything with your aligners in place, other than plain water. Otherwise, you could damage or stain the Invisalign® trays and develop cavities and tooth discolorations.

Clear aligner trays must be cleaned properly

Invisalign® trays are designed to fit snugly and comfortably over your teeth. This secure fit can trap bacteria and food particles against your teeth without proper routine cleaning. The trays should be rinsed and brushed daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and lukewarm water. Buildup can cause clouding of the trays, even with daily brushing, so soaking them in an Invisalign® cleaning solution as instructed can keep the trays clear and bright. Never clean aligner trays with hot water; this can warp the material.

Invisalign® treatment requires frequent dental checkups

Throughout the treatment process, Invisalign® patients receive multiple new trays to accommodate their shifting teeth as their smile continuously improves. Some people receive a new set as often as once a week, while others may go for two or more before receiving new trays. This can change over time. It is important to keep up with dental checkups and appointments so your dentist can evaluate your progress while providing you with the next step for straighter teeth. Fortunately, these visits are often very quick, taking only a few minutes.

Choosing Invisalign® can improve your oral health

Crooked teeth are more than just an eyesore; they can also increase your risks for developing tooth decay and gum disease. Poor alignment can also cause oral pain, digestive issues, and speech problems for some patients. Straightening your teeth with Invisalign® trays can help treat all of these issues, resulting in better oral health. The removable trays also require more frequent brushing while allowing easier access to all tooth surfaces, which can significantly improve oral hygiene.


Invisalign® trays are an effective way to treat many tooth alignment issues while creating a healthier and more beautiful smile. Many people find that the design offers numerous positive benefits, making it an excellent choice. Talk with a dentist to determine if Invisalign® treatment is right for you.

Request an appointment here: or call Millar Family Dentistry at (817) 885-5214 for an appointment in our Weatherford office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in Weatherford, TX.

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